About Us

Meet Us

Adrienne Goines


I am the Founder of Sistas of Steel Gun Club, LLC and CEO of QD Defense Training. I’m a certified USCCA Firearm instructor, certified Stop the bleed instructor and a certified Childrens Safety program instructor.

I’ve been around firearms all of my life. It wasn’t until after my divorce that I found myself purchasing more firearms to protect me and my children.

Now, as an empty Nester, I want other women to understand the importance of becoming a responsible gun owner and becoming their own first responder.

In today’s climate, it is very important to learn to operate a firearm safely and to understand the laws.

Sistas Of Steel Gun Club, LLC is that environment/sistahood that builds confidence in women of color, and also allows them to learn at their own pace, and in a safe place

DeAndra Clark


My name is DeAndra (Dee) Clark AKA Lady Steel, Co-Founder of SOS. I am a certified USCCA Firearm Instructor and a certified Stop the Bleed Instructor.

I am also a wife, a mother of 3 and a business owner.

My interest and improper introduction to firearms happened when I was 23 years old. I carried it with no training, no knowledge and no thought of the repercussions had I used it or been caught with it. My intro to firearms is not uncommon, it’s the reason I want to be a part of making a difference in my community.

We have a duty to share knowledge if we want to see change, that is one of our goals with SOS!